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Many people are beginning to invest in HHO car instructions as a way of converting their vehicles to run on hydrogen. Things have really taken off since 2006 in the field of Brown’s gas kits. I have managed to locate 6 companies already producing ready to fit kits.    [Author: T Payn]

You can get details of HHO car instructions at Auto Help.
The trouble is, these kits start at a minimum of $5,000. So HHO car instructions are way more popular, with more than 60,000 Americans using them in 2007. These manuals retail at about $50. The materials required for you, or your mechanic, to build a fully functioning hydrogen generator cost under $150. That’s less than many folk spend at the local shopping mall.
Of course, the primary purpose of running a car on hydrogen is to save on gas. Be aware that hydrogen gas kits are an add-on to the existing engine, so the car will be running partly on gasoline and partly on orthohydrogen. Expect savings of at least 25% and all the way up to 60%. The system is suitable for both gas and diesel engines. It is entirely safe and doesn’t affect warranties.
On top of gas savings, many governments offer tax incentives if you convert your car or truck to be more efficient. In the USA, the IRS gives $2,000 tax refunds for each car converted to a hybrid HHO/gasoline system. Denmark and Sweden offer even more. Other countries are catching on.

What HHO Car Instructions Explain

An HHO manual will take you through how to create and HHO cell, or generator, and fit it to an existing internal combustion engine. The casing is normally made from malleable CPVC, resistent to very high temperatures. A proton exchange membrane acts as an electrolyte. About a quart of normal water is added to the generator and an electric current passed through.
H2O is split to produce HHO and one part of the hydrogen, orthohydrogen or Brown’s gas, is drawn off. This is mixed with oxygen drawn from outside the vehicle and used as a fuel in combination with gasoline to power the engine. The only byproduct of the HHO element is water, making it entirely clean.
With HHO car instructions, my first attempt took me a day. I also needed some advice from a mechanic. I now have it down to under half a day to make and fit an HHO generator. On a couple of occasions I have needed to remove the kit. It only takes five minutes and the engine functions just the same as it ever did.
The other great advantages of converting a car to hydrogen are lower insurance premiums and a longer life expectancy for engines. Some insurers are reducing premiums by 20% because they perceive hydrogen converters as a lower risk. It is still early days, but the clever chaps who first started making HHO car instructions predict an improvement of 50% in the longevity of automobile engines running with a hydrogen mixture.

More details: Auto Help

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  1. […] Original post: HHO Car Instructions Made Easy […]

  2. […] set to take the world by storm, all car and truck owners should know how to fit their own HHO kit. HHO car instructions are vital. A hydrogen fuel conversion kit in the USA now costs less than $120. You may need a […]

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